Friday, August 31, 2012

Language Arts 9: Burying "Dead Words" and Autobiography Drafting

Warmup: Create a list of the 20 verbs and adjectives you believe are most often overused in writing!

From the list we create, choose your "top 3" overused words.

"Bury" one of those words by creating a gravestone for it. Around the outside of the gravestone, write five more vivid, specific words that could replace the dead word. (worth 2 points)

Handout: 6 Traits Rubric. Your environmental autobiography will be graded on this rubric.

Homework: Environmental autobiography draft due on Tuesday. It must be TWO pages long for five points. (Three or more pages will get you a point of extra credit.)

Remember, this is a ROUGH draft. You will revise it and make it better later on!

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