Friday, August 17, 2012

Language Arts 9: Symbolism

Guess the logo game

Notes and discussion on symbolism

Read about the Tohono O'odham Man in the Maze and its symbolism

Assignment: Create your own personal symbol and explain it in writing

Requirements: Create a visual symbol that represents some aspect of yourself and/or your life. Make it large and artistic, at least an 8 1/2 x 11 size. 

•Your symbol should include at least FOUR symbolic elements (shapes, colors, etc. that represent something about you).
You must also write an explanation of your symbol and what each element stands for.
Your explanation must include an introduction, a conclusion, and at least TWO sentences explaining each element. (So, it will be at least 10 sentences total.)
This will be due on Tuesday, August 21. It will be worth 10 points. 
Use your writer’s journal to brainstorm and sketch!

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