Thursday, September 6, 2012

Language Arts 11: Truth Ads

Writer's Journal entry: write a paragraph about a specific product you think currently has the most misleading, or even harmful, advertising. What is the difference between the reality of that product and the image the corporation tries to portray in its advertising?  

Finish rhetorical appeals ad presentations

Discuss examples of "truth ads"

Create a colorful, artistic, Adbusters-like (or even a Dove-like) “truth ad,” revealing the reality of something that is often misleading in advertising.
Your ad should contain:
•At least one of the rhetorical appeals
•Colorful, persuasive imagery
• Persuasive text
Your appeal should be STRONG, so you will need several sentences or points of text and images.

On the back of your ad, write a short paragraph explaining:
--which appeals you used
 --why you chose the images and words you used for your appeals.

Homework: Truth ad due Monday, September 10. 5 points.

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