Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Language Arts 12: Magical Realism

Warmup:  On one half of a piece of paper, draw a picture of what you think of when you hear the word "angel."

"In My World" game, for extra credit. 

"In My World" concept attainment with examples and non-examples of magical realism. Based on what all of the examples have in common, how would you define magical realism? 

Notes on magical realism. 

Read Gabriel Garcia Marquez, "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings."  Reading strategy: 

  • Find places where, in a single sentence, you have a magical detail and a realistic detail.
  • Mark all of those sentences with a star.
  • Underline the magical detail and double underline the realistic detail. MARK AT LEAST TEN. 

Revisit your angel drawing. On the other half of your paper, draw a picture of the angel from the story, using the passages of descriptive imagery to create your representation.

Homework: None!

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